Hi there,
I just started my semester 3 last 1st day of October. I did not write anything during my second semester. So much going on my life back then. But now, I’m trying to write again. The reason that I want to start writing again is that I finally figure out what I want to do with my life which is to pursue education study or in other words I want to teach English. Although my English is very poor but my English lecturer said, it can be sharpened and improve as long as you have the will to learn it. She also sees potential in me to master English. I love English so much but I always think that I don’t have ‘talent’ in English because every time I learn it, I always get confused with the grammar especially. =,=
I have read something on facebook says ‘’English is a language. Not to measure IQ’’
I guess its true. English is a language. It's a fun language and very tricky for me. Although the quote clearly said it's just a language, however, I still need to master English in order to teach English, right? They said you teach is to find more of yourself. You teach so you can improve yourself.
I’m still not confident to pursue TESL. Am I able to master English?
P/s: My English is very poor. I’m trying my best to write in English. I hope you guys can understand all my error in my grammar. I’m still learning.
Xoxo, Nabihah.

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